Launch Podkite Dashboard

GET source

Determine if a visitor comes via a podcast


In order for this endpoint to work properly:

  1. The web analytics script needs to be installed.
  2. The podcast analytics prefix needs to be installed.

Additional privacy note

We hash personal data like IP addresses and only store data that is technically necessary. We store this data in Europe and also process requests coming from the EU within the EU.


Call this endpoint from your client application or website.

Get your WEBTRACKTOKEN and your PODCAST_TOKEN from your settings page.



  // True if it is likely that the visitor listened to the podcast before
  probably_via_podcast: true,
  // You can ignore this for now
  score: 3,
  // True if an error occurred during the lookup
  error: false

We cannot guarantee fully accurate results as listeners may change internet networks and listening apps may proxy or cache episodes far in advance. It is though, an effective way to create Lookalike audiences, to remove friction and improve conversion rates for at least a certain percentage of listeners.


Redirect to a different page

Let's redirect visitors to a different page if they come via a podcast. This can be, for example, a page with a special offer, a sign-up page or a landing page with altered content.

const MY_API_KEY = 'abc-def';

const API_URL = '';
const url = `${API_URL}/web/v1/source/?web_api_key=${MY_API_KEY}&podcast_token=${MY_PODCAST_TOKEN}`;

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(result => {
    if (result.probably_via_podcast) {
      // The visitor most propably comes via a podcast
      window.location.href = "";

Custom Events/Audiences on Facebook

Track an event whenever a visitor comes from a specific podcast.


You need to have the Facebook pixel already installed on your website. Use a separate Pixel or separate the "coming from podcast" audience from your usual website traffic in a different way.

Track Podcast Referrer

If a visitor comes from a specific podcast, we like to track a custom event.

Please reach out to support (hello @ in order to find out limits and pricing for the below API call.

const MY_API_KEY = 'abc-def';

const API_URL = '';
const url = `${API_URL}/web/v1/source/?web_api_key=${MY_API_KEY}&podcast_token=${MY_PODCAST_TOKEN}`;

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(result => {
    if (result.probably_via_podcast) {
      // The visitor most propably comes via the podcast
      fbq('trackCustom', 'ViaPodcast', {name: 'TED Talks Daily', podcast_token: MY_PODCAST_TOKEN});

Once you track events like those, you'll be able to create custom audiences and Lookalike Audiences on Facebook/Instagram. You can do similar with LinkedIn and other social networks in order to target the right users and to optimize ad spend.